Greg Topalian added to SportsGrid Board of Directors

Updated:2024-03-21 14:06    Views:176

With a career spanning over 25 years, Topalian has experience within both fan-based and B2B live events. His journey in the industry began in 1997 with Reed Exhibitions, a company he worked with for 17 years.

Notable achievements from this period include creating the largest pop culture fan convention in North America (New York Comic Con), the acquisition and expansion of Penny Arcade Expo and overseeing a range of B2B events.

Jump forward to 2014 and Topalian founded LeftField Media, a company geared towards crafting unique fan-based event experiences. The success of LeftField Media led to its acquisition by Clarion Events in 2017, with Topalian assuming the role of CEO at Clarion Events North America.

Jeremy Stein,Table games SportsGrid CEO, is excited about Topalian's new position on the board: "Greg's impressive career and innovative thinking make him an exceptional addition to our board. His expertise in event creation and passion for delivering exceptional fan experiences align perfectly with our vision for the future of sports content and engagement."

Topalian himself shared similar sentiments: "I'm excited to join the board of SportsGrid and contribute to the company's growth and success in this dynamic industry.

"I believe the convergence of sports, media, and technology is an incredible opportunity, and I look forward to working with the SportsGrid team to shape the future of sports entertainment and lead the way in delivering unforgettable fan experiences."

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